April President’s PRoclaimer Message

By Ali Beemer, APR, Orlando Chapter President

Let’s go stargazing!

FPRA Orlando’s Image Awards gala is almost here, and I’m ready to watch all our local PR stars shine – in person for the first time since 2019. Along with awarding amazing work, we’ll be recognizing our Central Florida PR Pro of the Year, ImPRess Award for Professional Achievement and Intern of the Year honorees. And if that wasn’t enough, our silent auction returns with proceeds benefiting local student professional development scholarships and opportunities. I hope to see you there on Tuesday, April 19, at 6 pm. at the WinterClub Venue in Winter Park! Still need to buy your ticket? I got you covered: Register ASAP here.

Continuing the theme of recognition, April also serves as APR Awareness month. Earning your APR is a true testament to your dedication, expertise and professionalism in the field of public relations. Having earned the credential in 2020, I can say with confidence that its one of the best decisions I’ve made in my professional life – I know many others in our association would echo similar sentiment. And trust me, there’s never a “right time” to pursue your APR; do this for you and go for it! Remember, you have an entire FPRA network to help you along the journey, including our chapter’s vice presidents of credentialing, Pamela Nulman, APR, CPRC, and Melissa Zayas Moreno, APR. Make 2022 #FPRAGreaterThan ever by earning your APR! 

Cheers to you, our PR stars! 


APRil is APR month at FPRA


March President’s PRoclaimer Message