December PRoclaimer President’s Message

By Ali Beemer, APR - Orlando Chapter President

Wow, 2021 is almost over…I can’t believe it, and I’m sure you can’t either. As this year comes to a close, I hope you join me in taking time for family, friends and joy no matter how you celebrate. And as you prepare your professional New Year’s resolutions, consider attending this month’s virtual program on Dec. 15 where we’ll discuss how to navigate career growth and new professional opportunities in today’s dynamic job market with local HR and PR leaders.

Looking ahead, I’m excited for what 2022 has in store for our chapter, and I hope you are as well. With some amazing speakers lined up and fun member activities ahead, we’re ready to make #FPRAGreaterThan ever for you and our community.

I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a superb new year!   


Quotes Corner: A Promising Semester Completed


Member PRofile: Erin Sullivan