March President’s PRoclaimer Message

By FPRA Orlando President José Luis Dieppa 

Spring is almost here! This month, we celebrate Women’s History Month. I am extremely proud of the incredible programming we hosted this month. During our Women in Leadership panel, we heard from amazing speakers in the industry about leadership and career development. Special thanks to the Girl Scouts of Citrus Council for hosting us. Attendees got an exclusive tour of the newly opened Women’s History and Cultural Center. I encourage you to visit this amazing space. Additionally, we had a member-only coffee with national columnist and industry expert, Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR, for a candid conversation on how we can all elevate women in public relations.

In a couple of weeks, we will celebrate PR greatness in our community during our annual Image Awards Gala to be celebrated on April 25 at Rollins College. Join us in honoring our chapter’s traditions and the outstanding innovation in our members’ contributions to the industry.

José Luis


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