Member PRofile: Leah Santiago

Title and company: Senior Account Executive with rbb Communications

Give a brief explanation of your job. I develop and execute strategic and integrated communication campaigns for clients within a broad range of industries including B2B, finance, travel and hospitality, and real estate.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join? I joined FPRA through Quotes, the PR Club at UCF in 2017. It was a class requirement to attend a professional event, and because UCF has strong advocates of FPRA, I chose to attend one of their events. I was quickly welcomed into the network by the members, and I was inspired to join. The rest is history.

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far? I had the privilege of being a part of LeadershipFPRA’s class five (the best class ever!). The connections I made and the lessons I learned from the program were invaluable.

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional). I was recently included in the Qwoted’s first-ever “Qwoted 100” — a “Best of the Best” quarterly listing of the top 100 communications professionals on Qwoted based on quality of pitches and reporter ranking.

What was your first job? My first adventure into the career world was spent stuffing and dressing teddy bears at Build-a-Bear Workshop.

What's one fun fact about you? I’m an amateur photographer. I travel to hidden gems in Florida like national parks, beaches and historic districts to capture scenic shots. I used to post my photos on my photography Instagram account (@__life_with_a_lens__), but then life happened. It’s one of my goals to get back to posting consistently this year!

What’s the best way to connect with you? I am on Twitter @imleahsantiago; Instagram @__life_with_a_lens__; and LinkedIn.


The 3 Most Valuable Lessons PR Has Taught Me


Thank you Orlando FPRA APRs