Member PRofile: Spencer Mills

Title and company.

Public Relations Strategist – Curley & Pynn - The Strategic Firm

Give a brief explanation of your job.

The public relations strategist plays a vital role on our client account teams, building and leading tailored public relations and marketing communications initiatives. We use a strategic approach to research, writing and media relations to achieve our clients’ objectives. The public relations strategist role also leads account management activities, including budgeting and team guidance.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join?

I have been an FPRA member for almost one year now, after joining in February of 2023. Curley & Pynn is passionate about getting their employees involved in the public relations community and taking advantage of professional development opportunities; FPRA has provided me with a great opportunity for both.

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far?

I am currently in LeadershipFPRA, and, even through just two sessions, it has been a deeply impactful experience. As I take on leadership roles and continue to evolve in my career, LeadershipFPRA has taught me about my personal leadership style and has improved the ways I approach interactions with others. I am looking forward to growing even more throughout the remainder of the sessions.

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional). 

My wife and I are expecting our first child in November, so that is by far the most exciting thing happening for me right now. Most of my free time has been spent putting together a crib, decorating the nursery, cleaning and getting as ready as we can be for his arrival!

What was your first job?

My first job was as an ice cream scooper at Bruster’s Real Ice Cream in New Tampa. I won ‘Scooper of the Month’ twice!

What's one fun fact about you?

I played lacrosse in college and still play as often as I can.


November President’s PRoclaimer Message


Quotes Corner: Helping Students Find The Internship of Their Dreams