Quotes Corner: Cheers to a Great School Year

By Sarah Kelliher, FPRA Orlando Vice President of Student Outreach 

The 2021-2022 academic year came and went for our student members in Quotes, the Ad/PR Club at UCF but not without several big “wins” and a lot of fun along the way. 

I couldn’t be prouder of what our student members achieved and can’t wait to watch them continue to grow as young professionals. 

Thank you to the students who served on the 2021-2022 Quotes Executive Board and dedicated so much of their time — on top of classwork, internships, part-time jobs and other extracurriculars — to make this school year #GreaterThan ever before. 

Many students would’ve looked at the return to in-person events as a challenge, but this driven group saw it as an opportunity and thoughtfully planned how to engage their membership through socials, professional development events, skills workshops, company tours and more. 

I had the pleasure of joining a few events during the fall and spring semesters, and it was great to see the turnout increase as the school year continued. I was especially impressed with how seamlessly the Quotes team transitioned back to in-person Intern Pursuit events this school year. The fall event was Quotes’ first in-person internship fair in two years, and they had an excellent turnout with over 50 employers and 100 students in attendance. 

Our chapter’s student membership would not be possible without the generosity of others, and I am so thankful to every individual who donated to support our student members this school year. Funds raised enable our chapter to send several students to FPRA’s Annual Conference this summer and will provide financial support as they make the transition to professional chapter members. 

Lastly, I want to congratulate all our student members who are graduating this spring and summer. As you embark on this next chapter of your life and career, please know FPRA is here to cheer you on every step of the way! We are honored to be a small part of your professional development journey and hope you remain part of our chapter by taking advantage of our student-to-professional membership.

If you or someone you know is interested in applying for a student-to-professional scholarship, please email me at skelliher@thestrategicfirm.com


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