Quotes Corner: 3 Things I’ve Learned as a FPRA Student Member

By Leigh Dyer

As a senior, it’s very strange to think that at this time next year I will have graduated from UCF with a degree in advertising and public relations, (hopefully) have a full-time job and will officially be a professional member of FPRA. In just a few short months I will be “adulting,” and, in some ways, I’m extremely nervous about that.

However, thanks to my time as a student member of FPRA, I know that I’m fully capable of handling the next phase of my life and all the challenges that may be thrown my way. I could talk about a hundred things I learned as a student member of FPRA; however, I think the most important three are by far: networking, time management and the importance of experience. 

Networking: I think networking is absolutely crucial for people starting any career, but especially for young professionals in the public relations industry. Networking provides resources, helps get your name out to relevant business leader and can help build your reputation, along with your self-confidence.

When I first got accepted into the Ad/PR program at UCF, I had already networked a little with the faculty and some of my sorority sisters. However, because of my student membership with FPRA, a whole new world of opportunities has come my way. Not only has networking helped me out with my internships, but it’s also helped me boost my self-confidence in more ways than one.

Time Management: Although it may seem like every college student would be a pro in this field, time management is a hard skill that isn’t mastered by many. Luckily, I learned this skill quickly, thanks to playing varsity volleyball, serving as editor of my high school yearbook and balancing AP classes. However, the last few years in college have made my high school time management skills look silly.

As a senior at UCF this year, I believe I have somewhat mastered this concept. I currently serve as an intern for UCF Athletics, director of events for Quotes and on the executive board for my sorority, all while managing a full class load. This keeps my schedule quite busy, but it’s also taught me how to prioritize my life and stay on top of my responsibilities.

I also feel like I owe my time management skills to FPRA — if it weren’t for my time as a student member of the Orlando chapter, I don’t think I would have believed I could accomplish this all on my own, let alone actually do it.

Experience: Lastly, my time as a student member of FPRA has taught me that there is nothing more valuable than experience. Whether you enjoy your experience as an intern or volunteer, it will help prepare you for the future. My dad always told me that it was just as important to figure out what you did not want to do as a future career, and without experience, you don’t know what you are good at, what you are passionate about or what you just simply don’t want to do for the rest of your life.

Experience is incomparable in any industry, and it is what sets people apart, especially with young college graduates who are looking to secure their first jobs. Experience also allows us to work on transferable skills that can be applied in many areas in our lives.

I’m very sad to leave UCF soon, but thanks to my student membership at FPRA, I believe that I’m ready to tackle anything that comes my way. As I reflect on my time as a Knight and start preparing for my future, my college experience would’ve been totally different if it weren’t for FPRA, and I will always be eternally grateful for my student membership.


Member PRofile: Joy Porter Wright


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