Member PRofile: Joy Porter Wright
Joy Porter Wright
Title and company: Community Relations Manager, City of Ocoee
Give a brief explanation of your job. I’m responsible for all communication and marketing efforts for city events, programs and services. This includes writing news releases, creating social media content, planning and promoting citywide events and distributing city news on Ocoee TV – Spectrum Channel 493. It’s an exciting time to be in the City of Ocoee. We’re in the midst of a multimillion-dollar capital improvement program to enhance public spaces and provide key infrastructure in Downtown Ocoee. The improvements include a new City Hall at the corner of Bluford Avenue and McKey Street. In addition, a downtown master stormwater facility is under construction. When completed, it will treat stormwater from downtown properties while functioning as a public nature park.
How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join? I’ve been a member since 2012. I enjoy learning about the innovative projects and campaigns developed by my talented fellow PR practitioners.
What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far? I had a wonderful time at the 2017 annual conference. The speakers and sessions were dynamic and informative. One of the best experiences was our visit to Universal Orlando. We had a great time.
Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional). Building and maintaining positive professional relationships over the years always gives me a sense of accomplishment.
What was your first job? My very first job was bagging groceries at Albertsons. I remember I worked on a rainy Super Bowl Sunday and had to take carts to customers’ cars in the pouring rain. At the end of my shift, my socks and shoes were soaking wet and my feet hurt. I also took orders at McDonald’s and served popcorn at a movie theater. I loved working in high school. I learned a lot of life lessons and developed a strong work ethic.
What’s one fun fact about you? I’m a big fan of James Cameron’s “Avatar.” I’ve watched the movie at least 20 times over the years. I cannot wait until the sequels are released. I have a small collection of “Avatar” merchandise. If you visit my office, you’ll see my “Pandora: The World of Avatar” coffee mug on my desk.