December’s President’s PRoclaimer Message

By FPRA Orlando President José Luis Dieppa 


As this year comes to a close, I hope you take time for family, friends and your community. I am grateful for a year of opportunity, growth and fellowship.   

My heart is grateful for our community. During the recent Giving Tuesday camping, you helped us raise a record-breaking $2,033.60 to support our student members from Quotes, the AD/PR Club at UCF!   

These funds will allow several aspiring public relations professionals to attend FPRA’s annual conference next summer and will provide financial support as they make the transition to student-to-professional chapter members.  

Thank YOU, Roger Pynn, APR, CPRC, for matching donations this year.   Kudos to our VP of Student Outreach, Jennifer Vasbinder, and her incredible committee for making this campaign a success.  

Looking ahead, I’m excited for what 2023 has in store for our chapter, and I hope you are as well. With some amazing speakers lined up and fun member activities ahead, we’re ready to start a new year!  

I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a Happy New Year!

Thank you,
José Luis


Quotes Corner: How to stick to your 2023 New Year's Resolutions like a PR Pro


Member PRofile: Carey Jester