Quotes Corner: How to stick to your 2023 New Year's Resolutions like a PR Pro

By: Isabella Whedbee

First Published Jan 6 2023 | Last Updated: March 23, 2023 

At this point, most people have heard a study or two that points towards a mass-quitting of  New Year’s Resolutions by mid-January. In fact, some studies suggest that this phenomenon happens to over 60% of adults. While this may seem discouraging, the good news is that within PR, professionals usually approach challenges with killer growth mindsets and a tendency to overcome pesky challenges. 

Even so, in this midst of modern-day chaos, moving past the January slump is often easier said than done. Whether you're working towards a coveted certification, or just looking to squeeze in that extra day of exercise in your week, below are a few tips to help you (and— who are we kidding— me) stay on track. 

Make your resolutions bite-sized  

What do restaurant appetizers, an opening jazz act, and million-dollar email nurture campaigns have in common? Besides all being awesome, they also ease people into the situation before the “main” event. If you process your goals like this, you’ll find that your work is vastly more manageable. 

For example, in preparation for the UCF communications internship fair known as Intern Pursuit, the leadership team at UCF Quotes was tasked with teaching students key tips for landing an internship. 

Rather than catapulting these tips to students all at once, the board developed 3 valuable meetings to train students. The first had a guest speaker, the next focused on resume building, and the last was a Q&A on preparing for the fair.  By doing it this way, the entire process became less intimidating for advertising students. 

It seems like an incredibly simple idea, but that small change to how you approach your resolutions can create a much more comfortable and successful environment.  

Tell people about it! 

Like a sock that got lost in the dryer or a beautiful winter coat purchased by someone who has only lived in Florida her entire life (sadly speaking from experience),  New Year's resolutions have a funny way of getting pushed to the side and forgotten. One way to lift all of these goals back into orbit is to simply speak to someone about them.

The most helpful space for people to share their challenges is with people that are going through the same ordeals. Professional groups like FPRA can offer a dedicated space to learn, share, and support colleagues. If you’re a newbie member and don’t feel comfortable at this point, friends and family are oftentimes willing to at least lend an ear and help go over your goals. Remember, communication is key. 

Give yourself a break. It’s only January

My final tip is something that we all know but sometimes tend to forget. Ensure that you dedicate a moment of your day towards a break. For most people, the first steps toward a goal start off with excitement and adrenaline, and then immediately falls into unmotivated territory

If you continue to run in circles, you’ll drive yourself even further into this frustrated feeling. Try to reset your day through what works for you, whether that be sleep, a cup of chamomile tea, or impromptu jumping jacks (it looks ridiculous but it does the trick!)

Overall, goal setting doesn't begin or end on January 15th (affectionately known as New Year's Quitters' day for some). The goal-setting process is a continuous and unfixed blob of ambitions and processes to meet it.

 As a PR pro, you know that success is married with setbacks and change and these obstacles can become moments of creativity and natural resilience. Keep working towards all the ambition blobs in your life – Your community is rooting for you, no matter what.


Member PRofile: Katherine Crnkovich, APR, CPRC


December’s President’s PRoclaimer Message