Member PRofile: Katherine Crnkovich, APR, CPRC

Title and company
Communications Officer, Seminole County Public Schools

Give a brief explanation of your job
Serve as PIO and district spokesperson, create and lead a branding strategy that supports the development, implementation and operation of an integrated plan for all communication, interactive and public relations messaging to external and internal stakeholders of Seminole County Public Schools.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join?
I joined FPRA five years ago to have a network of professional colleagues whom I could learn from and where we help one another navigate new trends, share best practices and navigate challenges.

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far?
If I had to choose one FPRA event that had a long-lasting impact, it would be the fireside chat with the PIO from the City of Las Vegas at the annual conference. Hearing him relive the mass shooting event and talking us through the importance of being prepared for the unthinkable as part of our jobs really hit home. We never want to think something like that could happen, but it is our responsibility to be prepared.

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional).
I studied taekwondo for nearly a decade and am a second degree blackbelt. This achievement was a combination of patience, persistence and the importance of having an unshakable belief in your own abilities.

What was your first job?
I sold jewelry at ShopKo. If you’re from the pacific northwest, you’ll be familiar with that store!

What's one fun fact about you?
I am completely terrified of fish. Apparently I am not alone, it’s called ichthyophobia.


January’s President’s PRoclaimer Message


Quotes Corner: How to stick to your 2023 New Year's Resolutions like a PR Pro