Member PRofile: Scottie Campbell
Photo Credit: Amanda Gooden
Title and company? Marketing Specialist for VHB
Give a brief explanation of your job. I serve as a consultant for reThink Your Commute, an initiative that promotes smart transportation solutions for Central Florida’s workforce. Essentially, we're trying to get you to commute in ways other than by yourself in your vehicle.
How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join? I became a member about two and half months ago. I was encouraged to join by my friend and colleague, Cynthia Velasco. Through her, I saw that FPRA is a valuable resource for career enrichment, camaraderie and networking.
What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far? In my previous position as the Marketing Specialist with Orange County Library System, I won five Image Awards along with my colleagues in 2020. Due to the pandemic, the ceremony was virtual as were our champagne toasts to each other in our respective homes, but it was a memorable night.
Tell us about an exciting personal or professional achievement. I will always be proud of being part of restoring the “Happy Holidays/Happy New Year” sign on top of the old OUC building in Ivanhoe Village.
What was your first job? Delivering newspapers while we were stationed in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Brrr...
What's one fun fact about you? I performed as Hamlet in a scene study guided by Olympia Dukakis while attending Rollins College.
Best way to connect with you? I’m on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.