Seek, Secure, Progress: Navigating Career Advancement

By Gabriela Sabo, FPRA Orlando Intern

Our December event was an insightful webinar focused on career advancement in light of the Great Resignation. We dove into the trend we’re experiencing as a result of the ongoing pandemic and what that means for job seekers and employers. 

We were joined by human resources consultant Nichole Griffin, SPHR and Monica Smith, president of Poston Communications, as well as Vice President of Curley & Pynn Kacie Escobar, MBA, APR. They agreed that the current state of the world is leading many professionals in different stages of their careers to reevaluate their professional goals and prioritize a healthier work-life balance.

Moving to virtual environments has made it essential to find new ways to continue to network, arguably making communication more important now than ever. Smith explained that as communications professionals, while we’re seeing a shift in our own industry, it’s important to remember that our clients are experiencing that same shift. As a result, we have to learn how to relate with our clients in different ways, rather than just maintaining a transactional relationship.

Griffin mentioned this is where we’re seeing new soft skills emerge, such as the ability to manage change through a storm and empathy.

Both speakers left us with three main tips when it comes to getting to where you want to be professionally and exploring those options with your employer.

  1. Be strategic with your goals and how to get there and don’t be afraid to have these conversations with your employers. A good time to do this is during an annual check in. Generally, employers want you to stay and be happy.

  2. When it comes to the interview process, start with gratitude and do your homework. Take the time to understand the company and who they are and use that to connect the dots between your personal experience and the job description.

  3. When negotiating compensation packages, start by listing accomplishments and successes that back up that decision.  Think about what revenue you’re responsible for, track your time and use numbers to back up emotion.

While adjusting to this “new normal” has been nothing short of challenging, Smith assured us that it’s the candidate’s market right now. Learning to cope with change and still advance in your career is possible and maybe even in your favor.


January PRoclaimer President’s Message


Member PRofile: Scottie Campbell