January PRoclaimer President’s Message

By Ali Beemer, APR - Orlando Chapter President

Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but 2020 and 2021 both felt like one long year combined... I hope that 2022 brings healing and prosperity to our profession, our homes and our community. And in the words of civil rights trailblazer Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope."

As we all return to work (either at the office or at home) and finalize those new year resolutions, our chapter is excited to help offer you a #FPRAFresh start with multiple events and tips & tricks every Friday on our social media channels that can help you start the new year off right. If you have any tips to share on how you're beginning 2022 #FPRAFresh, send them our way via email or by tagging us on social media (don't forget to use #FPRAFresh when you post)!

Looking ahead, our chapter has many exciting events coming up (including our Image Awards gala in April and Central Florida's coveted Media Mashup event in June), along with engaging monthly programs featuring locally and nationally recognized speakers, and we hope you plan to join us.

We'll continue to monitor COVID-19 conditions in our area along with CDC guidelines to ensure a safe return to in-person events when timing permits.

I wish you all the best in January and can't wait to make 2022 #FPRAGreaterThan ever with you.


February PRoclaimer President’s Message


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