February PRoclaimer President’s Message

By Ali Beemer, APR - Orlando Chapter President

It’s officially February — a time of love, reflection and more preparation for the year to come.

February specifically marks the observance of Black History Month. As we honor the perspectives, talents and contributions across our Black, African American and Caribbean communities — who have continuously elevated the PR profession and made the world around us a better place — it’s important that we continue this celebration beyond this month and always. I found this informative piece from NPR on the story behind Black History Month a great and important read; NPR also has an entire series for Black History Month 2022 that includes historical articles, podcasts and current news — after starting the series myself, I highly recommend these incredibly insightful chronicles.

Image Awards season also is upon us, and I can’t wait to celebrate everyone’s achievements in person as we plan our first in-person Image Awards gala since 2019! I guarantee it will be one to remember. Submissions are due by Monday, Feb. 28, at 11:59 p.m. EST, so don’t miss your chance to receive well-deserved recognition for your incredible work.

Plus, how can I forget to mention our next monthly program on Feb. 16 – a virtual panel discussion on leadership with some of FPRA Orlando’s past chapter presidents?! Don’t forget to register here and join us for a chance to win a copy of Carolyn Maue’s new book, “Gourmet Leadership: Turn Up the Heat on Your Secret Sauce!”

And just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Florida Public Relations Education Foundation’s Show A PR Colleague Some Love campaign is back. For every $10 donation, you can send a Valentine to brighten the day of a colleague, mentor, educator or friend who has supported you in your career. Please consider participating if you’re able while donating to a great cause — proceeds from every Valentine benefit the Foundation’s professional development scholarships for PR students and practitioners.

I hope you feel the love this month as much as I do. As always, FPRA Orlando is here for you — with a coffee (or tea, in my case) in hand.


Quotes Corner: Why I Love PR


January PRoclaimer President’s Message