Quotes Corner: Why I Love PR

By Angelina Rahaman, Quotes Board Member

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share my story and how I fell in love with public relations. 

After graduating from Valencia College, I began studying at UCF in the fall of 2021. I was trying to be excited about this new chapter, but my family’s tough criticisms echoed repeatedly in the back of my mind. Their constant comparisons between my cousin and me made me feel insecure and ashamed about my future career and, as I walked to my Introduction to Public Relations class at UCF, I still felt anxious the entire time. That was until the professor began speaking, and I noticed that there was something different about her teaching style. She spoke with so much passion and excitement, and it lit a new fire inside me. At that moment, I instantly fell in love with public relations and my university. 

After that, I was determined to apply to the Advertising and Public Relations degree program at UCF. This was a tremendous risk because it is a limited-access program, but I knew I needed to try. The day I officially got accepted into the program was the happiest day of my life. I felt so accomplished and excited about my future academically and professionally. As the semester progressed, I felt like I was gaining a clearer understanding of my calling in life. I realized that my professional goals were to work as a public relations practitioner in a political setting and, as a member of Quotes, I look forward to learning new skills that will help me get there.   

In just a matter of months, my profession transformed me into a proud and confident young woman. I have the unique privilege of saying how much my professional career has made me into the woman that I am proud of today. I am a better version of myself because of the positive influences in our industry who have guided and encouraged me to achieve my goals. To me, public relations is not just a nine-to-five job; it is a lifestyle that continuously pushes you to be the best version of yourself. I couldn’t love it more. 


Member PRofile: Jamie Floer, APR, CPRC


February PRoclaimer President’s Message