Member PRofile: Emily Hollingshead

Title and company
Student Communications Coordinator at Seminole State College of Florida.

Give a brief explanation of your job
I manage all the student communications for the 30,000+ students enrolled at Seminole State. This includes mass emails and texting campaigns. I also assist with our social media efforts to make sure our students are getting the information they need, when they need it.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join?
I joined FPRA when I started working at the College in 2019 at the encouragement of my coworkers. My previous experience was in marketing and administration so the association was a great way to get a feel for the Central Florida PR landscape and start forging connections.  

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far?
I love hearing all the various angles and points of view during the FPRA Media Mashups. It helps to hear from journalists about what their preferences are and encourages me to take a step back and evaluate my current PR strategies to see what I could do better.

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional)
I was one of three lead writers for the College’s application for the 2023 ASPEN award, the nation’s signature recognition of community colleges that are achieving high, improving, and equitable outcomes for students. Through the process I learned even more about the programs and resources our faculty and staff manage to give our students the greatest chance at success. It was an honor to highlight their hard work and passion on a national stage. The College earned a semifinalist position and I’m proud of the work I did to contribute.

What was your first job?
I waited tables at a family-owned pan-Latin restaurant called Emiliano’s to help put myself through college and graduate school at the University of Florida.

What's one fun fact about you?
While I was working on my master’s project at an exotic animal rescue I was able to pet a rhino.


Member PRofile: Anna Castro


October’s President’s PRoclaimer Message