Member PRofile: Anna Castro

Title and company
Communications Intern, Public Affairs at Walt Disney World Resort. 

Give a brief explanation of your job
As a Public Affairs Communications Intern focused on HR and Walt Disney World site initiatives, I help:

  • Support day-to-day copywriting, video editing and graphic design for Walt Disney World’s intranet site and social media channels

  • Create graphic elements focused on transforming the company’s storytelling through visual communication.

  • Develop engaging written communication content across multiple internal and external media channels.

  • Contribute to creative and strategic communication and content creation, reaching over 65K Cast Members.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join?
I have been a member of FPRA since Aug. 2020, starting as a Student Member through UCF’s Ad/PR club, Quotes. I am currently one of few members who have been awarded a student-to-professional scholarship, as I transition into the professional field (Graduated Fall 2021). 

I first joined through Quotes to increase my networks in the PR field as well as learn from the vast range of expertise in the FPRA community. As I transitioned into the professional field, I have noted that being a part of FPRA means more to me than just an extracurricular aimed to increase my networks – it has become a family of PR professionals who I can rely on for support, guidance, advice and learnings. Every event, call or chat has helped me grow both professionally and personally and being part of FPRA has been an honor for me.

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far?
My favorite FPRA events I have attended have been our Membership Mixers. 

Our Membership Mixers are a great way to welcome our members, new and old, and help create a warm, comfortable environment aimed at learning more about our fellow peers. After every Membership Mixer, I leave with a smile on my face knowing the positive impact these events can have on our members. It’s always fun getting to meet new members or reconnect with familiar ones!

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional)
My exciting achievement would have to be being able to work for my dream company, Walt Disney World Resort. Growing up in South Florida, I was only ever a few hours away from the most magical place on Earth. After visiting over 55 times as a child, I knew I wanted to work for the company and here we are! This personal and professional achievement of mine never ceases to make my younger self (and my current self) squeal with excitement.

What was your first job?
My first job was an instructor at a national STEM summer camp, iD Tech. As an instructor, I was able to teach several age groups different STEM-related courses such as robotics, block coding, video editing, personal branding, and game design. 

What's one fun fact about you?
I was born in Bogotá, Colombia and was raised in South Florida. I am bilingual and fluent in both English and Spanish!


Quotes Corner: How FPRA is Involving UCF’s Quotes Students in #YouBelongAtFPRA


Member PRofile: Emily Hollingshead