Quotes Corner: How FPRA is Involving UCF’s Quotes Students in #YouBelongAtFPRA

By: Isabella W.

Published Nov 14 | Updated March 23, 2023

As University of Central Florida (UCF) students, one of the perks of college life is the ability to do a lot of interesting things simultaneously; however, if you break it down, you may find that we’re constantly doing one thing in particular – listening. Whether that be hearing our daily class lectures, news about viral stories or videos, or even our parents telling us about their lives back home. Without a doubt, we’re constantly tuning in to ideas, perspectives, and beliefs. 

In my opinion, this is the inherent reason why our generation is highly aware of the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Social media has amplified our shared experiences and crafted a new meaning towards the terms and how they affect our lives. 

This is why, when Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) speaker offered the chance to share their perspectives, many students, including myself, were eager to jump in. 

FPRA President, Jay Morgan-Schleuning, APR, CPRC, led the discussion on inclusivity at UCF’s Quotes October meeting. The conversation began with Jay sharing his own experiences on acceptance through his career and with his family. He also shared the state’s mission this year, You Belong at FPRA. By beginning with this powerful and authentic story, it was clear that FPRA leadership was looking to truly find ways to expand the industries’ inclusivity, and above all, listen to what students felt was important.

Quotes students brainstormed that the first step toward progress s to firmly acknowledge the lack of diversity within the public relations field, despite the outstanding amount of student diversity within UCF’s Communications and Ad/PR programs. In fact, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that only 19% of individuals within the PR industry identified as people of color in 2021. 

When asked what actions FPRA could take to support diversity within communications and PR authentically, the students had a lot of ideas to share. Some that were mentioned were accessible mentorship opportunities, further DEI accountability standards held onto partner companies, and efforts to place diversity standards and training in the hands of FPRA leadership.

At the end of the Quotes Chat, we were asked to identify 2-3 values that we would like to see from companies and FPRA surrounding DE&I. It wasn’t easy to decide which ideas mattered most, but I chose to go with something I work on improving in my lectures, online, and even when talking with my parents – a commitment to learning and listening. I see it as the most effective way to maintain the work already done while keeping an open mind in our ever-changing industry. 


November’s President’s PRoclaimer Message


Member PRofile: Anna Castro