Member PRofile: : Jennifer Marcial Ocasio

Title and company
Director of Public Affairs and Communications | Orlando Economic Partnership

Give a brief explanation of your job.
At the Orlando Economic Partnership we do a lot and wear multiple hats. In a nutshell (not so brief) here's what I do: 
I assist in the development and implementation of all public affairs and communications initiatives including developing strategic communication plans for public policy issues related to transportation, semiconductors, and other high-priority areas for the region. I work closely with our programming and events department, including UpSkill Orlando, Leadership Orlando, The Black Boardroom Leadership Institute, as well as the Orlando Economic Partnership's annual events creating the communications strategy and supporting every aspect of the programs.

I support the CEO and other leaders in their communications by writing talking points and preparing presentations reflective of the goals and mission of the Partnership. I also serve as the media relations lead for the organization and lead media pitching while providing internal communications support to all departments.

I collaborate with internal teams to generate creative story concepts for content related to investors, brand, business development, and public affairs priorities in addition to writing compelling content including blog posts, website content, video scripts, social media posts, email campaigns, and other audience-specific content that drives traffic, engagement, and leads.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join?
I joined in August 2023 as soon as I started in my new role, but it feels like a lifetime ago. 

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far?
Every event has been meaningful in a different way. I think that my favorite experience has been meeting other FPRA members in a different capacity and how much everyone has been willing to embrace me and help me in my transition from journalist to public relations.  I knew many members in my previous role as a journalist and news editor, but now being on the "other side" I've enjoyed learning and exchanging ideas about how to do our jobs better. 

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional).
I am proud to be an award-winning journalist with over 15 years of experience covering the Hispanic / Latino community but my most rewarding experience has been getting to know our thriving community in Central Florida. Being immersed in our community and helping tell our people's stories, needs and achievements has been gratifying. Now, I can keep contributing to my community from a different angle as a Public Relations professional. I am looking forward to what this new life path has for me. 

What was your first job?
I have had a very varied and interesting mix of job backgrounds.  My first job, while I was in college, was at a clothing store because I wanted the employee discount to shop. My first job as a journalist and communications specialist was working at the University of Puerto Rico's Communications Department while finishing my bachelor's degree. But if we are talking about my first full-time job, it was at a moving company working in their communications and SEO department.

 What's one fun fact about you?
I am obsessed with big earrings and headbands. I also love going to Karaoke and think I can sing, even though I don't. But I am always down to have fun with friends singing and dancing, especially during my birthday which I celebrate with themed parties all through my birthday month. 


Member PRofile: Elisa White


May President’s PRoclaimer Message