Member PRofile: Sarah Nemes

Title and company? Director of Public Affairs, Embrace Families

Give a brief explanation of your job. My role is to lead strategic government relations efforts relating to legislation and appropriations and support leadership in assessing risks and maximizing opportunities; draft and deliver testimony and issue papers for representation in public hearings; direct a diverse team comprised of staff and state and federal contract lobbyists, and develop associated goals, objectives, and scopes of work; manage internal and external message creation and delivery for high-profile crisis media incidents to mitigate public relations risk and limit legal exposure; engage with statewide industry stakeholders and PACs to create and deliver effective, issue-oriented advocacy campaigns; and represent the organization at community and industry events and through public presentations, media interviews, and other communication efforts.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join? I joined FPRA in February 2022. I joined because I wanted to connect with the public relations community in Florida and cultivate new partnerships!

What has been your favorite FPRA event or experience so far? My favorite experience thus far is being a board member. It has been a huge honor and truly has been a great experience so far!

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional). I am very excited to announce that the Foster Youth and Driving Act will be introduced to Congress in several weeks. It is an incredible opportunity for foster youth around the country to have access to grants for permits, insurance, etc. And I am grateful to have played a small role in getting this bill off the ground.

What was your first job? University of Central Florida, Board of Trustees Assistant

What's one fun fact about you? I used to play on the UCF Collegiate Volleyball Team! Go Knights, Charge On!

What’s the best way to connect with you? You can connect with me on LinkedIn.


June President’s PRoclaimer Message


A Lesson in Damage Control