June President’s PRoclaimer Message

By FPRA Orlando President Ali Beemer, APR

Summer has returned and so has Central Florida’s Media Mashup – we’re back in person this Thursday, June 16, and partnering with our friends at PRSA Orlando to bring local communicators the best half-day media relations conference once again.

Huge kudos to our board members, Jose Luis Dieppa, Kacie Escobar, APR, and Sarah Nemes, along with our committee members, for pulling together another fabulous line-up for this year’s event! With the support of our event sponsors, Curley & Pynn Public Relations and Poston Communications, it’s sure to be a memorable day. If you plan on attending, don’t forget to tag us on social media and use #MediaMashup22.

For our chapter’s July program, mark your calendars for July 14 as we plan on discussing the state of public affairs and legislative updates. And registration for Annual Conference at the Early Bird rate is still open, so don’t miss out!

Finally, we celebrate Pride Month every June alongside our LGBTQ+ colleagues, clients and loved ones. It is imperative to understand its history and importance – I found this article from Newsweek a great overview and place to start when understanding the significance of Pride Month. And as our city observes the six-year anniversary of the Pulse shooting, I ask that all of our members take a moment to remember the 49 lost, continue to support the efforts assisting victims and their families, and support our LGBTQ+ community in any way you’re able. Love always wins! 


Member PRofile: Tyler Winik


Member PRofile: Sarah Nemes